The selection of the Call for Proposals POCHI ended
The POCHI – Proof Of Concept High Innovation– call for proposals was issued by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and IUSS of Pavia as part of projects for the pre-competitive development of business ideas and research results, both in the hard sciences (STEM) and social sciences and humanities (SSH) fields.
5 projects received funding:
- CertiMarmi – funding 30.000 Euros – Project in collaboration with a company in the marble industry to test and validate a new patented material developed from marble waste dust and with properties similar to those of marble itself – Contact person: Dr Andrea Guerrini
- TRACE – funding 20.000 Euros – Project to patent, validate and exploit an innovative methodology based on the optical response of cellulose in a label-free manner (without the use of fluorescence markers) to monitor its degradation in paper artifacts of historical and artistic interest – Contact person: Prof. Francesco Cardarelli
- Vir-Scult – funding 10.000 Euros – Project whose goal is the creation of a prototype digital museum, thanks to which it will be possible to learn about the collection of Greco-Roman sculpture of the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, consisting of hundreds of works in marble, which, following the damage caused by the 1966 flood to the museum’s spaces, was transferred to the peripheral Villa Corsini in Castello, largely in the mansion’s storage rooms, inaccessible to visitors – Contact person: Prof. Gianfranco Adornato
- CASE – funding 5.000 Euros – Project whose goal is to develop a prototype for monitoring and preserving paper artworks in a non-invasive manner. The solution is articulated through the combination of a display case designed to house the artwork with sensors dedicated to monitoring critical parameters – Contact person: Dr. Fabio Azzarello
- Hmedia – funding 2.500 Euro – Project that aims to develop an online platform on which to report political news in an accessible manner, with the aim of bridging the existing and perceived gap between the desire to educate oneself and the usability of avenues of access to political information and participation – Contact person: Dr. Gabriele Grassilli
For information about the projects, please contact