
Normale promotes the establishment of spin-off companies formed by research and teaching staff, as well as start-ups founded by students aiming to capitalize on their acquired skills or research results.

Normale supports the entrepreneurial development of its spin-off companies and start-ups through initiatives aimed at:

  • enhancing skills and knowledge in business management and innovation;
  • identifying funding opportunities (both private and from investment funds);
  • fostering participation in initiatives for commercial development and the creation of strategic collaborations;
  • establishing relationships with Normale’s laboratories and research groups to create synergies in innovation and research.

Normale’s first spin-off was established in 2019, and in the subsequent years, there has been a growing interest among SNS staff in creating business activities focused on the economic valorization of academic research outcomes. Normale’s spin-offs operate in sectors such as diagnostics, augmented reality, multimedia product creation, cultural heritage, and energy.