These legal notes have been prepared in accordance with the 2011 Guidelines for Public Administration websites issued by the Ministry of Public Administration and Simplification.
The contents of the KTO’s Scuola Normale Superiore website (including scripts, graphics, text, tables, images, sounds, videos, and any other available information in any form) are protected under copyright law. Content is made available and accessible in compliance with the intellectual property rights of the legitimate holders.
Reproduction of the portal’s content is permitted, with prior consent from the rights holders, solely for personal and non-commercial use, except for content that may be released under a Creative Commons license. When reproducing the content from the portal, the source must be cited. Personal data on the KTO’s Scuola Normale Superiore portal (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers) may be used by users only for purposes related to institutional teaching and research activities. The use of published data for marketing or commercial purposes without prior consent from the data subject and spamming activities are prohibited. Any violations will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
For any information regarding published content and related usage licenses, you may send an email with the subject “copyright” to the address
Website Use
The website supports the institutional goals of the Scuola Normale Superiore and aims to provide and make accessible general information on the School’s activities and services, updating content in a timely manner. Visitors are encouraged to report any inaccuracies, outdated content, or service issues by sending an email to The editorial team will respond as soon as possible.
The Scuola Normale Superiore assumes no responsibility for anything that may result from access to and use of the website or any linked external sites.
Access to Linked External Sites
Links to external sites are provided solely as a service to portal users, with no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the information provided on such sites. Scuola Normale Superiore has no control over the content, use, quality, or completeness of information on external sites, for which responsibility lies directly with the respective owners and/or managers.
Items, programs, and products (e.g., documents, software, etc.) downloadable from the site are protected under current copyright and industrial property laws. Scuola Normale Superiore therefore advises verifying in advance the terms of use established by the legitimate holders to which the download is subject and disclaims any responsibility in this regard.