7   maggio

Call “POCHI” – Proof Of Concept High Innovation

Call POCHI - Proof Of Concept High Innovation, aimed at soliciting proposals for the funding of precompetitive development projects

The Normale and IUSS of Pavia have issued the “POCHI – Proof of Concept High Innovation” call, aimed at soliciting proposals from professors, researchers, research fellows, PhD students, students, and other research personnel working at each School, for the funding of precompetitive development projects for business ideas and research results, both in the field of hard sciences (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – STEM) and in the field of social sciences and humanities (SSH).

Each project can have a maximum duration of 24 months. The funding amount, for each selected project, can range from a minimum of €10,000 to a maximum of €30,000. The deadline for pre-registration is February 29, 2024.