6   agosto

EIB report on European scale-ups published

A new report ‘The scale-up gap: Financial market constraints holding back innovative firms in the European Union’ has been published by the European Investment Bank (EIB), which highlights, on the one hand, the development of scale-ups in Europe, thanks also to the help of public organisations, and, on the other, the presence of financial obstacles that the European Union can address more effectively.

The report highlights that the small size and low depth of EU capital markets limit the ability of innovative companies to raise capital, especially in the scale-up phase, when the availability of finance in Europe is lower than in other markets. This slows down capital accumulation and hampers growth, productivity and employment.

For this reason, the report recommends strengthening the venture capital market and incentivising venture capital investments and domestic savings, targeting them more towards innovative companies, highlighting the EIB Group’s crucial role in supporting companies.

Finally, the paper suggests that the public sector, private pension funds and insurance companies should take a more prominent role in investing in innovative companies, supporting technological development through diversified and facilitated sources of financing.