The Tuscany Region, within the framework of the FESR 2021-2027 programme and of Giovanisì, the regional project for the autonomy of young people, promotes the call for proposals ‘Support for the creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups’. The call for proposals aims to strengthen the regional system of innovative start-ups, by encouraging the creation of new enterprises and consolidating existing ones, through capital grants (non-repayable fund) equal to 90% of the total eligible cost of the project (from a minimum of EUR 10,000 to a maximum of EUR 100,000).
Recipients are
- Innovative start-ups whose incorporation took place in the 36 months preceding the date of submission of the application for funding and registered in the appropriate section of the Companies’ Register at the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce;
- natural persons who undertake to set up the company within 6 months from the date of notification of admission;
The call will be active from 14 November 2024 (10 a.m.) until 31 January 2025 (4 p.m.).
The KTO office <> is available for further information and support.