12   settembre

New call under the FESR Regional Programme 2021-2027

The new call under the FESR Regional Programme 2021-2027 has been published

The Region of Tuscany has published a new call under the FESR Regional Programme 2021-2027, which aims to develop and strengthen research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies for the attraction of investments, supporting cooperation between MPMIs and GIs and between enterprises and research organisations.

Beneficiaries of the call:

  • Large Enterprises (GI) with foreign capital in collaboration with at least no. 1 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MPMI) – with or without Research Organisations (R.O.F.) – associated in the form of: ATS; RTI; Enterprise Networks without legal personality (Network-Contract);
  • Mid Cap with foreign capital (EU Reg. 1017/2015, art. 2 point 6), i.e. entities with up to 499 employees that are not SMEs, with or without collaboration with MPMIs;
  • foreign-capitalised and Mid Cap companies (EU Reg. 1017/2015, Art. 2 point 7), i.e. entities with up to 3,000 employees that are not SMEs or small mid-cap companies, in collaboration with at least one MPMI.
  • Access to the call is also extended to professionals, as they are equated to companies as economic operators, regardless of their legal form.
  • Research organisations may only apply, and be beneficiaries of aid, as partners and never as project leaders. The limitation to participation in only one project proposal does not apply to research organisations.

The call procedure is open-door, with time windows for evaluation and ranking. The evaluation windows will open after each six-month period from the date of opening of the deadline for receipt of grant applications.

The submission of applications must be managed on the Sviluppo Toscana spa portal, through the information system ‘Sistema Fondi Toscana’ and must be completed by the owner/legal representative of the applicant or his/her delegate and signed by the owner/legal representative of the applicant. The application is aimed at obtaining a direct capital contribution to the expenditure.

The total amount of the project submitted must be no less than EUR 1,500,000.00 and no more than EUR 3,000,000.00. Resources will be allocated on the basis of ranking lists (evaluation windows), until the budget is exhausted.

The deadline for the implementation of the project is conventionally set at 12 months from the conventional start of the project (subject to a possible extension of a maximum of 3 months).

The <> office is available for any clarification, information and support.