9   gennaio

MICSathlon Registration Opening – Deadline February 7, 2025

Registration is now open for MICSathlon, a national competition organized by the MICS Partnership, which will involve young researchers with the aim of developing innovation, circularity and sustainability challenges launched by Italian companies.

Registration is open, until Feb. 7, 2025, for “MICSathlon”, an initiative organized by the MICS-Made in Italy Circular and Sustainable Foundation, in synergy with MIMIT’s Case del Made in Italy. The event, which will take place Feb. 20-21, 2025, at Villa Doria D’Angrì (Naples), is aimed at researchers, research fellows and doctoral students, who will be asked to develop projects, ideas and prototypes in response to specific requests from companies operating in three key sectors of Made in Italy: Apparel, Furniture and Automation.

Participating companies will develop challenges related to their own areas. During the event, participants will be divided into working groups and assigned a challenge, for which they will develop targeted solutions based on business needs, ready to be integrated into the companies’ future strategies. Challenges will focus on researching innovative materials, manufacturing technologies and processes to develop alternative design, production, consumption and end-of-life models, with the goal of reducing negative environmental and social impacts.

Following a final pitch session, three winning teams, one from each sector, will be selected by a panel of experts from academia and business, based on four criteria: project impact, feasibility, innovation and quality of presentation.Winners will be entitled to attend the Made in Italy Innovation Forum, the major exhibition of Italian excellence organized by MICS for the month of June.

More information about the event and the entry form are available at the following link.

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