22   luglio

Ph.D in Chemistry – Applications are open

Until July 26, 2024 applications are open for PhD in Chemistry at Scuola Normale

📣 If you have a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and want to work in research and innovation, you can apply for a PhD fellowship to develop and market software for chemical process simulation as part of the PhD in Chemistry at Scuola Normale. The object of your research will be the development, validation and application of integrated computational strategies that enable comparison between theoretical results and experimental data. On this basis, the PhD course aims to train young scientists to carry out competitive research in different fields of molecular sciences using various simulation techniques ranging from multiscale methods to virtual and augmented reality. Scientific activities are supported by high-performance computational resources and state-of-the-art hardware.

All Ph.D.s are paid, and Scuola Normale offers extensive financial opportunities to all Ph.D. students for schools and conferences in Italy and abroad. In addition to the opportunity to interact with active research groups at the Scuola Normale, doctoral students have access to a wide network of national and international collaborations, with both experimental and theoretical groups. The fellowship will be co-funded by PNRR (M4C2-I.3.3) in collaboration with Gaussian, the molecular study and modeling software for computational chemistry. Study and research periods abroad will also be part of the program. Study and research periods abroad will also be part of the program. Teaching activities include lectures and seminar courses.

You have until July 26, 2024. For more info https://www.sns.it/it/programma-di-dottorato-chimica