Innovative startups and SMEs, online data for the second quarter of 2022.
7   maggio

Innovative startups and SMEs, online data for the second quarter of 2022.

The data on innovative startups and SMEs for the second quarter of 2022 have been published, confirming the positive trend observed in the first months of the year. The reports were produced by the Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with Unioncamere, InfoCamere, and Mediocredito Centrale.

As of July 1, 2022, there are 14,621 Italian innovative startups registered in the Companies Register, accounting for 3.7% of all recently established capital companies, showing an increase compared to the previous quarter with 259 new units (up by 1.8%).

Software production, computer consultancy, research and development, and the manufacturing of machinery and electronic products continue to be the activities with the highest incidence.

The trend of innovative startups founded by individuals under 35 is increasing, with a growth of 0.5%, totaling 17.4%.

Regarding territorial distribution, Lombardy remains the leading region, hosting over 26.7% of all Italian startups, followed by Lazio with 12.1% of the total national figure (adding 45 startups compared to the previous quarter), and Campania with 9.2% (adding 33 startups compared to the previous quarter).