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Dispositivo sensorizzato per l’analisi di un fluido in tempo reale mediante onde acustiche

Dispositivo sensorizzato per l’individuazione di analiti all’interno di un fluido comprendente un substrato piezoelettrico.

Abstract brevetto

A sensing device for detecting analytes within a fluid comprising a piezoelectric substrate having an outer surface, at least one R-SAW-emitting interdigital transducer disposed on the outer surface and capable of emitting a Rayleigh-type surface acoustic wave, also known as an R-SAW, in response to an input electrical signal, called R-SAW being emitted along a first x-emission direction, and at least one interdigital emitting transducer of SH-SAW arranged on the outer surface and capable of emitting a shear-horizontal type surface acoustic wave, also called SH-SAW, in response to an input electrical signal, called SH-SAW being emitted along a second y-emission direction. Specifically, the piezoelectric substrate is made of lithium niobate crystals cut in an orientation such whereby the piezoelectric substrate supports as a principal mode shear- horizontal surface acoustic waves, with principal mode being defined as the wave surface acoustic wave that shows greater electromechanical coupling on said piezoelectric substrate. In addition, the first x emission direction and the second emission direction y have a relative angle a such that 80° < a < 100°.


Inta srl, CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (C.N.R.), Scuola Normale Superiore di PISA


Matteo AGOSTINI, MARCO CECCHINI, Francesco LUNARDELLI, Marco Cecchini, Francesco Lunardelli

Domanda di priorità

Numero deposito: 102023000010053
Data deposito: 18/05/2023



Famiglia brevettuale

Numero di deposito Data deposito Titolo Nazione deposito
PCT/IB2024/054888 18-05-2024 Dispositivo sensorizzato per l’analisi di un fluido in tempo reale mediante onde acustiche regione non valida o sconosciuta

Area tematica

Sanità e Biomedicale